Friday, September 25, 2009

4th of July 2009

Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays! I love that atmosphere of having the family around and cooking out and just being in the company all day of the people I love! Sometimes we manage to even get a family game in.. sometimes not.. Its hard with 5 little ones running around. After we hung out by the pool all day we all went to the fireworks in Kingston. I think its amazing how well our family gets along! I coudnt ask for a better "in law" family although they are more my family than anyone else.

Our children

Our children are our dogs Timber and Layla... We truly love them as if they were our children. Timber was born April 2, 2006 and Layla was born September 17, 2007 so we just celebrated her 2nd birthday. For anyone who doesn't have pets, they truly are amazing creatures. Sometimes they truly act like humans its scary! It is hard not being able to hear what they think though. I can only hope that they are truly happy with the life we have given them, but how do you know? I pray for them everynight when I say my prayers along with the rest of my family and friends. They are my life.